Melanie Brewer

Melanie Brewer

Graduate Student

Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Clumped Isotopes, Freshwater Mussel Ecology

  Halbouty 206


My research utilizes stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, clumped isotope thermometry, and trace element chemistry to investigate paleoclimate and paleohydrology reconstruction, and freshwater mussel growth within the Brazos River, TX.


B.S. in Geology, 2019, Texas A&M University


1st Place, MS Student Poster, Life on a Dynamic Planet Symposium, TAMU College of Arts & Sciences (2023) 1st Place, Water Daze Poster Competition, TAMU (2023)
2nd Place, MS Students, Geology and Geophysics Graduate Society Symposium (2023)
Conoco Phillips/Heepe Graduate Fellowship, TAMU College of Arts & Sciences (2023-2024)

Additional Information

Advisor: Ethan Grossman

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