Texas A&M University
Department of Geology & Geophysics


Three students in forest with geophysics equipment

New! Certificate in Environmental and Engineering Geology

The Department of Geology and Geophysics is expanding educational opportunities for students by providing a new certificate program.

Learn more about this opportunity

Faculty Focus

Dr. Christina Belanger

Dr. Christina Belanger

Dr. Christina Belanger, assistant professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, was awarded a prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Read about her award
Dr. Brandi Lenz

Dr. Brandi Lenz

Dr. Brandi Lenz's passion for geology began during childhood, rooted in her fear of natural disasters, which she now teaches about at Texas A&M in what she describes as her dream job.

Read Dr. Lenz's Story
Dr. Lucien Nana Yobo

Dr. Lucien Nana Yobo

The Drilling Dispatch, associated with the U.S. Science Support Program, recently posted an enlightening look at Assistant Professor Dr. Lucien Nana Yobo. There may be no one better equipped to tell the story of Earth’s history than Dr. Nana Yobo.

Read Dr. Nana Yobo's Story


Texas A&M Arts and Sciences Geology & Geophysics News Stories

The Energy Division of the Geological Society of America is honoring Dr. Anne Raymond for her lifetime of research and her decades of effort in training fossil pollen experts, many of whom have pursued extensive careers in the petroleum industry...Read More→

Dr. Kevin Gamache ’12 and his wife, Rita, honor two impactful College of Arts and Sciences professors in what became a watershed moment for their lives and future Aggies...Read More→

Each of the eight is being honored for scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications...Read More→

Dr. Brandi Lenz's passion for geology began during childhood, rooted in her fear of natural disasters, which she now teaches about at Texas A&M in what she describes as her dream job...Read More→

Texas A&M is one of six universities collaborating with NASA to teach dog-like robots to navigate on challenging planetary surfaces while teaming up with humans to better prepare for planetary exploration...Read More→

Debra '79 and Michael Dishberger '79 met in their first days as students at Texas A&M in fall 1975. Nearly five decades and 44 years of marriage later, they have created their third endowment in the College of Arts and Sciences to help future undergraduate and graduate students pursue their own education-related dreams...Read More→
